So, you love sports. You must be a football fanatic too! And I guess you also know by now that DirectTV has cornered the rights to air all NFL Sunday afternoon games packaged as NFL Sunday Ticket till 2014! That's right! No more Sunday afternoon NFL games on cable! Only from DirectTv till 2014. You wouldn't want to miss the thrill and excitement of the play-by-play action while watching the NFL Sunday games in streaming HD (high definition) television, would you?

Forget those guys who argues that DirectTV will go poof when the weather is bad because it is satelite provided (precisely the times you would rather stay home and watch NFL games). There is hardly a thread of truth to it. The fact is in a bad weather, the power may go out first before DirectTV gets knock down, - DirectTV reception remains crisp and sharp even during those gusty conditions!

Here's more! You get free standard professional installation in up to 4 rooms. You may even get a free HD DVR receiver upgrade along with some choice packages! Take note of this, in most areas, DirectTV costs are even cheaper than cable.

If you hadn't done it yet, forget cable now and shift to DirectTV or you'll miss the fun and excitement of lazying around on Sunday afternoons watching NFL games. (Don't forget to stock up on your popcorns and sodas too!)